Radar Components
- Electron Tubes (GMI46B, UV3, UV94A, UV99A, LN9, GI19B, GMI90, …)
- Magnetrons (MI99A, MI503, MI515, MI29, 502SP52, 611SP52, 612SP52, 613SP52, …)
- Klystrons (KIU91-1, KIU91-3, K702BR, KU722A, K-50, K-700-1, …)
- Thyratrons (TGI2-325/16,TGI2-400/16, TGI1-1000/25, 41TR50, 51TR50, 52TR50, …)
- Stabilitrons (MIS2, MIS4, …)
- Vacuum Capacitors (VV20, …)
- Spark Gaps (14TN52S, RR224, RR220A, RR2, RR3, RR4, RR7, RR20, RR83, RR321, …)
- Indicator Tubes (25LM2V, 23LM34V, 7LO55I, …)
Where can you find us?
Contact information
Afro-Bohemia s.r.o.
Nová 10/888
184 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Postal address
Afro-Bohemia s.r.o.
Kolovratská 1445
251 01 Říčany
Czech Republic
+420 777 347 662
+420 724 142 414
+420 283 850 319
The company was registered with the Municipal Court in Prague
Case number: C 35995